Astro Seminar
A nearby galaxy perspective on interstellar dust properties and their evolution
Speaker: Frédéric Galliano (Paris)
Date: Wednesday 27 April 2022
Time: 14:00
Venue: Zoom
Interstellar dust is a key physical ingredient of galaxies, obscuring star formation, regulating the heating and cooling of the gas, and building-up chemical complexity. I will review our current knowledge about grain properties and their evolution, from the perspective of nearby galaxy observations. I will focus on results obtained from spectral energy distribution modeling. I will present this technique, its challenges and the scaling relations it allows us to establish. I will then discuss cosmic dust evolution, from an empirical viewpoint. In particular, I will talk about observational attempts at quantifying the efficiencies of the three main evolutionary processes: dust condensation in core-collapse supernova ejecta, grain growth in the ISM and destruction by supernova blast waves. I will end by delineating the most promising prospects in this field.