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Physics Chat

The Physics Chat meeting series is intended to provide a common platform for discussions and presentations of recent developments within the condensed matter and photonics group, and is a forum for all members of the groups, from project students to group leaders.

The meeting is held fortnightly on Thursdays at 14:00. It lasts typically 1 hour, with a presentation of 30-45 minutes.

In autumn 2023, we host in-person talks at Queen's Buildings N/2.05 or Translational Research Hub (TRH) seminar room with zoom live streaming.

The zoom meeting ID is: 896 6388 5790,

password is: 110925,

If you have any enquiries please contact Dr Haiyao Deng ( ) or Dr. Qiang Li ( ) please.

Autumn Term-2023

Week 2 (Prof Wolfgang Langbein's group)- Speaker Sam Gavin-Pitt - 5th Oct.2023 Thursday

Title: The effects of picosecond laser machining on the optical properties of cuprous oxide

Location: Queen's building Room N/2.05

Week 4 (Dr Georgina Klemencic's group) - Speaker Jordan Wilson -19 Oct. 2023 Thursday

Title: Spatial dispersion in the wire medium

Location: Queen's building Room N/2.05

Week 6 (Dr Qiang Li's group) - Speaker Bogdan-Petrin Ratiu - 2nd Nov. 2023 Thursday

Title: III-V-on-silicon photonic integration by direct epitaxy

Location: Translational Research Hub (TRH) seminar room 0.01

Week 8 (Dr Sam Shutts' group) - Speaker Ben Salmond -16th Nov. 2023 Thursday

Title: Novel architecture single growth DFB lasers for communications

Location: Translational Research Hub (TRH) seminar room 0.01

Week 10 (Dr Qiang Li's group) - Speaker Richard Brown - 30th Nov. 2023

Title: MOCVD growth of Sb-based Type-II superlattices for IR detectors from 4-10 um

Location: Translational Research Hub (TRH) seminar room 0.01

Week 12 (Prof Wolfgang Langbein's group) - Speaker Nasser Alhazmi - 14th Dec. 2023

Title: TBD

Location: Queen's building Room N/2.05

-- Recordings of previous seminars and colloquia can be found in the 'Physics Chat' folder on Panopto:

Please contact Dr Haiyao Deng ( ) or Dr. Qiang Li ( ) for proposals for topics & improvements.

Schedule from 26 January 2025      (Show earlier schedule)

14:00N/1.32Physics ChatEffect of vortex light beams on Dirac and Weyl materials
Kyle Netherwood ()