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Astrolunch is a weekly forum for discussing astronomical literature and results, covering all aspects from instrumentation, planetary science, and galactic to extra-galactic astronomy and cosmology.

All department members, staff and students, are encouraged to present.

The goal of Astrolunch is to provide a stimulating topic for discussion for both the speaker and the audience.

With these aims in mind, if you wish to give an Astrolunch you are asked to give a presentation which fits into one of the following three categories:

  1. A paper from your field of research (but not directly related to work you have done / are doing) which you think either counts as a classic or an exciting new result, and which you think others in the department should hear about.

  2. A presentation which seeks to answer one of the questions posed by another member of the department in the Astrolunch Question Bank.

  3. An otherwise interesting paper or article which you would think would make for a good discussion, be it related to the sociology of Astronomy, a mission proposal, education and outreach or any other worthwhile topic (i.e. a 'classic' Astrolunch).

All Astrolunch talks are held in the Chartroom (N/3.23) on Mondays between 1:10pm and 1:40pm. You are very welcome to bring your lunch along.

Please contact the astrolunch organisers (Ian Harrison or Ciara Quinn) if you are interested in giving a talk.


Please submit more questions to Ian Harrison or Ciara Quinn and we will add them (anonymously, of course) to the Question Bank.

Sorry no seminars are scheduled after 26 January 2025.
Show earlier schedule