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Physics Seminar

Controlling electromagnetic waves in four dimensions (x,y,z,t)

Speaker: Victor Pacheco-Pena (Newcastle University)
Date: Wednesday 23 November 2022
Time: 15:00
Venue: Queens Building N3.28

The arbitrary control of light-matter interactions has been mastered by research and innovation in photonics, plasmonics and metamaterials. Wave propagation can be manipulated using spatial inhomogeneities along the path where a wave propagates, i.e., three-dimensional manipulation in space (x,y,z). However, what other interesting phenomena can arise if material properties are also modulated in time (t)? In this talk, we will present our recent efforts in exploring artificial electromagnetic media to tailor light-matter interactions not only in space but also in time, 4D metamaterials (x,y,z,t). We will present some of recent applications including temporal aiming, temporal effective medium concepts, temporal equivalent of the Brewster angle and antireflection temporal coatings (the temporal analogue of the spatial antireflection quarter wave impedance transformer).