Astro Seminar
Investigating Galaxy/AGN co-Evolution in the SKA Era
Speaker: Isabella Prandoni (Radio Astronomy Institute of INAF)
Date: Wednesday 28 June 2023
Time: 14:00
Venue: N3.28/Zoom
In the lead-up to the SKA Observatory, a wealth of new data from upgraded and new radio interferometers (so-called SKA pathfinders and precursors) are rapidly improving and transforming our understanding of the extra-galactic radio sky. Ongoing deep radio continuum surveys, in combination with extensive multi-wavelength coverage, are providing an unprecedented view on the physical properties of the faint radio populations, allowing us to address the star formation history and the role of AGN in galaxy evolution, in a dust/gas-unbiased manner. Deep observations of well-known extra-galactic fields, in particular, represent natural test-beds for the science that will be delivered by the SKAO, in synergy with upcoming facilities working at other wavebands. As such they provide important information to fine-tune science cases and observing strategies. In this talk I will provide a brief overview of the SKA Observatory, and I will discuss some of the recent results coming from the ongoing legacy/key projects at SKA precursors and pathfinders. While this talk will be focused on radio-continuum surveys, I will also provide some examples of synergic RC and HI studies aimed at investigating the AGN fueling/feedback cycle.