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Colloquia and Research Seminars

Departmental Colloquia are research talks pitched at the wider physics and astronomy audience (including final year undergraduates). During the eleven weeks of the semester there are three colloquia (nominally one astronomy based, one physics based and one PER based). The research seminars are aimed at postgraduate level and above (two seminars each week - one physics and one astronomy).

Arrangements for the Colloquia are split between the coordinator of the Physics Seminars (Dr Bo Hou) and the Astronomy Seminars coordinator (Dr Orsolya Feher). Please contribute to the seminar programme, instructions are available on the PHYSX Wiki.

Due to the Covid-19, all colloquia and semianrs takes place on zoom. Please find the zoom link below or in the seminar announcement email.
[Physics seminar zoom link] [Astro seminar zoom link]
[PER seminar registration]

The recordings of previous seminars are avaialabe in the following links. [Physics seminars] [Astro seminars] [PER seminars]
[Xiamen-Cardiff seminars]

Schedule from 21 August 2024      (Show earlier schedule)

15:00Queens Building N3.28Physics SeminarTBC
Jude Laverock (University of Bristol)