Physics Chat
The Physics Chat meeting series is intended to provide a common platform for discussions and presentations of recent developments within the condensed matter and photonics group, and is a forum for all members of the groups, from project students to group leaders.
The meeting is held fortnightly on Thursdays at 14:00. It lasts typically 1 hour, with a presentation of 30-45 minutes.
In autumn 2023, we host in-person talks at Queen's Buildings N/2.05 or Translational Research Hub (TRH) seminar room with zoom live streaming.
The zoom meeting ID is: 896 6388 5790,
password is: 110925,
If you have any enquiries please contact Dr Haiyao Deng ( ) or Dr. Qiang Li ( ) please.
Autumn Term-2023
Week 2 (Prof Wolfgang Langbein's group)- Speaker Sam Gavin-Pitt - 5th Oct.2023 Thursday
Title: The effects of picosecond laser machining on the optical properties of cuprous oxide
Location: Queen's building Room N/2.05
Week 4 (Dr Georgina Klemencic's group) - Speaker Jordan Wilson -19 Oct. 2023 Thursday
Title: Spatial dispersion in the wire medium
Location: Queen's building Room N/2.05Week 6 (Dr Qiang Li's group) - Speaker Bogdan-Petrin Ratiu - 2nd Nov. 2023 Thursday
Title: III-V-on-silicon photonic integration by direct epitaxy
Location: Translational Research Hub (TRH) seminar room 0.01Week 8 (Dr Sam Shutts' group) - Speaker Ben Salmond -16th Nov. 2023 Thursday
Title: Novel architecture single growth DFB lasers for communications
Location: Translational Research Hub (TRH) seminar room 0.01Week 10 (Dr Qiang Li's group) - Speaker Richard Brown - 30th Nov. 2023
Title: MOCVD growth of Sb-based Type-II superlattices for IR detectors from 4-10 um
Location: Translational Research Hub (TRH) seminar room 0.01Week 12 (Prof Wolfgang Langbein's group) - Speaker Nasser Alhazmi - 14th Dec. 2023
Title: TBD
Location: Queen's building Room N/2.05-- Recordings of previous seminars and colloquia can be found in the 'Physics Chat' folder on Panopto:
Please contact Dr Haiyao Deng ( ) or Dr. Qiang Li ( ) for proposals for topics & improvements.
Schedule from 24 February 2020 (Show earlier schedule)
Date | Time | Venue | Series | Details |
Friday 25/09/2020 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Type-II InAs/GaSb Superlattices for Long-Wavelength Infrared Detectors Dominic Kwan (KesariaM) |
Friday 09/10/2020 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Surface Plasmon Polariton modes in thin metallic films and graphene Zeeshan Ahmad. (SSOh) |
Friday 23/10/2020 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Micro-devices for high temperature physics Jaspa Stritt (OW) |
Friday 06/11/2020 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | A Biexciton Extension to the Jaynes-Cummings Model Describing the Quantum-Dot Microcavity System Thomas Allcock (EM) |
Friday 20/11/2020 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Machine Learning in Microscope Imaging Matyo Ivanov (JP) |
Friday 04/12/2020 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | VCSEL arrays for commercial wafer characterisation Jack Baker (PMS) |
Friday 12/02/2021 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | The potential of kinetic inductance detectors for CMB studies Gethin Robson (SDOYLE) |
Friday 26/02/2021 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Type-II Superlattices for MWIR Sensing Dhafer Alshahrani (KesariaM) |
Friday 12/03/2021 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Modelling optical bistability in 1D array of coupled ring resonators Ghada Alharbi (SSOh) |
Friday 26/03/2021 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Surface Engineering of Quantum Dot Optoelectronic Devices for Smart Lighting Applications Shijie Zhan (BHou) |
Friday 23/04/2021 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Improvement in Energy Conversion and Energy Storage Applications by Liquid Crystals and Carbon Nanoparticles Benxuan Li (BHou) |
Friday 07/05/2021 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Room Temperature Quantum Light from Colour Centres in III-Nitride's Sam Bishop (ABennett) |
Friday 21/05/2021 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Coherent coupling of excitons between site-controlled vertically stacked pyramidal quantum dots pairs revealed by two-dimensional four-wave mixing spectroscopy Vikramdeep Singh (WLangbein) |
Friday 24/09/2021 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Selective confined epitaxy of III-V nanostructures on silicon for advanced
photonic devices Cristian Messina (QLi) |
Friday 08/10/2021 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Two approaches to enable III-V/Si integration: quantum dots and tunnel epitaxy Bogdan Ratiu (QLi) |
Friday 22/10/2021 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Varying the medium surrounding an optical resonator: An efficient and rigorous way to calculate its spectral changes Shaikhah Almousa (EMuljarov) |
Friday 05/11/2021 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Phonon-induced dephasing of a non-linear response in a quantum dot-cavity system Liubov Sirkina (EMuljarov) |
Friday 19/11/2021 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Exploring the phase space of 3D Artificial Spin-ice Edward Harding (SLadak) |
Friday 10/12/2021 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Using high frequency AC susceptibility to probe the low field dynamics of Ca3Co2O6. Clara Cafolla-Ward (SGiblin) |
Friday 17/12/2021 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Compound semiconductor integrated photonics manufacture and characterisation Cobi Maynard (DBeggs) |
Friday 04/02/2022 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Coexistence monitoring in LEEM: Experiment and image analysis Matyo Ivanov (JPViterbo) |
Friday 18/02/2022 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Inverse Design of Integrated Photonic Devices Michael Murray (N Abadia) |
Friday 04/03/2022 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Theoretical modelling of a type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice for long-wavelength infrared detectors Paradeisa O'Dowd-Phanis (M Kesaria) |
Friday 01/04/2022 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | Transverse electric surface plasmon polariton modes in periodic graphene-based structure Zeeshan Ahmad (SS Oh) |
Friday 29/04/2022 | 15:00 | Zoom | Physics Chat | A label free method to measure the dynamics of membranes to determine their biophysical properties and the effect of protein insertion Freya Turley (W Langbein) |
Thursday 13/10/2022 | 14:00 | Queen's building WX3.07-3.14 with zoom live streaming | Physics Chat | Quantum Mollow Quadruplet in Nonlinear Cavity QED Thomas Allcock (Egor Muljarov's group) |
Thursday 20/10/2022 | 14:00 | Queen's building WX3.07 with zoom live streaming | Physics Chat | Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (VCSEL) device and material characterisation Curtis Hentschel (Peter M. Smowton's group) |
Thursday 03/11/2022 | 14:00 | Queen's building WX3.07 with zoom live streaming | Physics Chat | Proximity-induced superconductivity in InSb 2DEG Heterostructures Tom Robinson (Sean Giblin's group) |
Thursday 17/11/2022 | 14:00 | Queen's building WX3.07 with zoom live streaming | Physics Chat | Design of Coupled Ring Resonators for Bulk Mode Lasing Joe Mahoney (Sang Soon Oh's group) |
Thursday 01/12/2022 | 14:00 | Queen's building WX3.07 with zoom live streaming | Physics Chat | Effects of electronic interband transition on Transverse-electric transmission in graphene grating Zeeshan Ahmad (Sang Soon Oh's group) |
Thursday 09/02/2023 | 14:30 | Queen's buildings North N3.23 with zoom live streaming | Physics Chat | Exploring the phase space of 3D Artificial Spin-ice systems Vani Lanka (Dr Sam Ladak's group) |
Thursday 23/02/2023 | 14:30 | Translational Research Hub Seminar Room 0.01 | Physics Chat | Determining the impact of facet roughness on etched facet InP laser devices Tristan Burman (Prof Peter M Smowton's group) |
Thursday 16/03/2023 | 14:30 | Translational Research Hub Seminar Room 0.02 | Physics Chat cancelled | Novel VCSEL Geometries for Miniaturised Magnetometers James Meiklejohn (Dr Samuel Shutts's group) |
Thursday 23/03/2023 | 14:30 | Queen's buildings North N3.23 with zoom live streaming | Physics Chat | A Label Free Method to Measure Lipid Membrane Dynamics of Giant Unilamellar Vesicles Freya Turley (Prof Wolfgang Langbein's group) |
Thursday 27/04/2023 | 15:00 | Translational Research Hub Seminar Room 0.01 | Physics Chat | Employing quasi-degenerate resonant states in chirality sensing Shaikhah Almousa (Dr Sang Soon Oh's group) |
Thursday 05/10/2023 | 14:00 | Queen's Building Room N/2.05 | Physics Chat | The effects of picosecond laser machining on the optical properties of cuprous oxide Sam Gavin-Pitt (Prof Wolfgang Langbein's group) |
Thursday 19/10/2023 | 14:00 | Queen's Building Room N/2.05 | Physics Chat | Spatial dispersion in the wire medium Jordan Wilson (Dr Georgina Klemencic's group) |
Thursday 02/11/2023 | 14:00 | TRH Seminar Room 0.01 | Physics Chat | III-V-on-silicon photonic integration by direct epitaxy Bogdan-Petrin Ratiu (Dr Qiang Li's group) |
Thursday 16/11/2023 | 14:00 | TRH Seminar Room 0.01 | Physics Chat | Novel architecture single growth DFB lasers for communications Ben Salmond (Dr Samuel Shutts' group) |
Thursday 30/11/2023 | 14:00 | TRH Seminar Room 0.01 | Physics Chat | MOCVD growth of Sb-based Type-II superlattices for IR detectors from 4-10 um Richard Brown (Dr Qiang Li' group) |
Thursday 14/12/2023 | 14:00 | Queen's building N/2.05 | Physics Chat | Understanding carrier dynamics in CuInZnS3 quantum dots toward high-performance photovoltaics Nasser Alhazmi (Prof Wolfgang Langbein' group) |
Wednesday 17/04/2024 | 15:00 | N/3.28 | Theory seminar | Exploration of Hofstadter's Butterfly in Optical Ring Resonators Robert Dimitrov (Y3) |
Wednesday 24/04/2024 | 15:00 | N/3.28 | Theory seminar | Hofstadter’s butterfly pattern: a topological study of 2D array of ring resonators in a modulated magnetic field Baiyu Qiang (Y3) |
Wednesday 22/05/2024 | 15:00 | N/3.28 | Theory seminar | Electromagnetic Properties of a Wire Medium Slab Adam Kicman (Y4) |
Wednesday 09/10/2024 | 14:00 | N/1.32 | Theory seminar | The effect of OAM light on Dirac and Weyl materials Kyle Netherwood () |
Wednesday 30/10/2024 | 14:00 | N/1.32 | Physics Chat | Structural Characterisation and Failure Analysis of GaAs/InAs Quantum Dot Lasers Eve Burgess () |
Wednesday 13/11/2024 | 14:00 | N/1.32 | Physics Chat | Superconducting diamond resonators for high-field EPR measurements Jordan Wilson () |
Wednesday 27/11/2024 | 14:00 | N/1.32 | Physics Chat | The electrodynamic responses of spatially dispersive materials Amal Aldhubaib () |
Wednesday 12/02/2025 | 14:00 | N/1.32 | Physics Chat | Effect of vortex light beams on Dirac and Weyl materials Kyle Netherwood () |